Wednesday, March 26, 2014

spring sprung

hey! It has been a while. I have kinda been MIA on the blog for a month now.. my bad! but all for good reason. First, I was working my bum off with two weeks of intense paper writing and midterm examinations, then I went on the adventure of a lifetime! 

Hello AFRICA. 

I spent the last two weeks off the grid in remote regions of South Africa, Botswana, and Zimbabwe camping in the bush, studying wildlife conservation and tracking animals. It was an incredible, amazing, all-the-cool-adjectives-you-can-think-of, travel!  

But more on that to come! First I have to sort through my billion (kidding, only 1,758..) photos and then I will have approximately a thousand Safari posts coming your way! 

On a separate note, do people make Spring resolutions? because I certainly am this year. the new warmth in the air, new flowers, new life, etc. all have been inspiring me lately. Sometimes being 19 gets a bad rap. It is an awkward age where I am certainly not a child, legally an adult, but still growing and chaffing at the designation of "teenager". But despite all of the inherent awkwardness, I feel more alive than I ever have in my whole life! I feel that I am growing and maturing into the person I was meant to be, which is a pretty cool feeling! 

So cheers, to self discovery! And maybe someday I will share a few of those new resolutions here. But for now, enjoy this picture of beautiful spring flowers popping up all over Lugano. 

Spring has returned, and so have I

ps anxious to see some safari photos? check out my instagram